Our first official meeting!

We now have our first official meeting scheduled! Okay, so strictly speaking we have been meeting for almost a year, but this will be the first one where we have already voted the bylaws in, have a name, and a website. All that makes it feel much more official.

Your are probably saying “Okay already, but when it is?” Well, not until Sunday, November 6th, at 6pm central time. A long way off you say. True. But, that means there is plenty of time to plan ahead and put it on your calender. In the future we’ll have regularly scheduled meetings 6 times a year. When we have decided what the schedule will look like, we’ll post it right here for all to see.

If you are excited about joining us at the meeting and what to know where to go, contact us at our e-mail address found through the “About” tab. Can’t wait until November to talk about carnivorous plants? Contact us sooner and we’ll be sure to get back to you. We love this stuff!


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