November 2011 Meeting

Well, our first meeting brought a few new faces. We were glad to meet the new folks and say hello to established friends. Our club president, Ed, gave a great presentation showing off his trip to the Tepuis in Venezuela. He was on the trip with Stewart McPherson while they were filming a documentary. On the trip, they found some great Heliamphora. Some nice Drosera. And a few beautifully flowering Utricularia. Not to mention carnivorous bromeliads. All in all, a lot of diversity. Everyone enjoyed seeing the photos and hearing about the trip, although we were all a little envious. Here’s a picture of Ed captivating the audience:

The regular meeting schedule was voted upon. We are going to be meeting the second Sunday evening of every odd numbered month. That makes our schedule for 2012 (is it going to be 2012 already?!): Jan 8th, Mar 11th, May 13th, Jul 8th, Sept 9th, & Nov 11th.

So, there are no excuses for not attending because you didn’t know far enough in advance. As always, we welcome anyone interested in seeing what these great plants are all about. I mean come on, they are plants that eat animals! How can you beat that? Convinced? Good. Send an e-mail to our account (which can be found on the “about page”) and we’ll let you know where to meet us. We don’t have a permanent meeting location because we plan to rotate between our members houses. That way everyone gets a chance to show off their plants. After all, that’s a lot of the fun.


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