Arbo Show 2012

The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum show was a couple weeks ago. It was a lot of fun and we had the opportunity to speak with lots of great people. Many of our freebie plants found new homes, and we met several potential new friends. First off though, check out our booth space:

Pretty nice, right?! The new banner makes all the difference in the world. There were plants for display and, of course, what we hope to become ubiquitous freebie plants to share with interested folks. We also had great books on hand to provide information and nice pictures. Plus we now have “care cards”, which describe the basic care of many of types of carnivorous plants and all of the species we were giving away. We don’t want to send you home with something exciting and then have you suffer the anguish of watching your new plant-pet slowly wither away; so the care cards were handed out freely to interested people too. They have the care of a particular carnivorous plant on one side and our logo and url on the other. The care cards even caught the interest of some of the folks at the Arbo. It was flattering to have them asking us questions about our plants. Hopefully by being at the show we were able to build some interest in carnivorous plants in the people with whom we had an opportunity to chat.

The next place you’ll find us will be at the Minnesota State Fair! Only for the first two days tough, so plan accordingly. Of course if you can’t wait that long (the fair is in August after all) then send us an e-mail at our account, username “umcps” and we can let you know about the next time we’ll be meeting. Our next scheduled meeting isn’t until May 13th, but there’s a good chance we’ll be meeting in April too. To those people who left us their contact information, we haven’t forgotten about you. We’ll be getting in touch with you soon to let you know about what’s happening.

We’d also like to thank everyone at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum for hosting such a great event, and letting us participate. And thanks too to everyone who stopped by our table. We had a great time speaking with all of you. We hope you enjoyed checking out the carnivorous plants, and that maybe we’ve peaked the interest of a few people out there.


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