A break for our mothers

We are often told we are too involved with our pants. We coddle them. We fret over them. We talk and think about them all too frequently. Some of us have even been called a little obsessed with our carnivorous plants. Well this year were are going to prove to our mothers that they come first. How you ask?

Well, our May meeting was scheduled for Mother’s Day (reminder it is May 13th!). So, we thought it would be a nice gesture to move the meeting up a week so we can spend time with the important mothers in our lives. This means the May meeting is now scheduled for Sunday, May 6th, 2012. We’ll be meeting at Sunrise River Farms at 5pm, as we have done in the past. If you need directions you can always e-mail us at our yahoo.com e-mail account username: umcps. In addition to our old friends, we are hoping to see some new faces. Just think, if you attend the meeting you’ll have all the more stories about carnivorous plants to tell mom! After all we don’t want her thinking we aren’t still a little obsessed.


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