Okay we just couldn’t resist the pun, but we did have a great time at the Minnesota State Fair! We had the opportunity to speak with thousands of people, from all backgrounds, and it was so fantastic to meet them all! We gave out so many of our care cards, and even found some people who were interested in hearing from us again. We hope those folks will want to come to a meeting and see what we are all about.
Speaking of our next meeting, it’s coming up soon, so it doesn’t hurt to send out a reminder. We will be meeting on schedule at 5pm on Sunday, Sept. 9th out at the greenhouses at Sunrise River Farms. We’d love the opportunity to see some of our new friends from the Fair again, and this should be a great meeting. We’ll be summing up what happened at the Fair, speaking about ideas for next year’s MN State Fair, and talking about the requests we have been getting for attending new shows next year (yup, we have had interest from people about our involvement in displays, and shows for next year already!). And of course, as always, we’ll be talking about carnivorous plants. It’s a can’t miss meeting.
Members: don’t forget to bring snacks or drinks to share!