Meeting alert!

Dramatic title, we know, but we wanted to catch your attention so you don’t forget about our upcoming meeting. We’ll be talking plants of course, but this time we are also having a pot-luck! So there is going to be lots of delicious food in addition to our normal fun. We’ll be meeting at a member’s house, so if you need directions you’ll have to contact us at our e-mail address:

Right now the plan for the presentation is by our club president and is about tissue culture of carnivorous plants (and perhaps some orchids too), which he has been doing for some time. It’s an interesting and advanced technique that allows people to propagate large numbers of plants, or plants that are difficult to start from seed. This is kitchen science at its best! It’s sometimes complex and a hobby within itself but always fascinating. Plus it will be delivered by a very engaging presenter. So this is a meeting not to miss!!


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