Welcome to 2013!

It’s a new year and we are going to start it off right. We’ll be meeting at our old haunt, Sunrise River Farm, next Sunday, 13 January at 4pm. That’s right, our first meeting of ’13 is on the 13th. That’s how you know it’s going to be a good year.

You are probably asking yourself what is on the agenda. Well, first off it is time to renew your membership - so don’t forget your $10. Then we’ll be electing a treasurer. You know, so there is someone to be responsible for the dues you just paid. Plus, we’ll be talking about the plans for the upcoming year. And of course, we’ll talk about carnivorous plants - as if anything could stop that. If you feel as though you have a plant that is looking particularly happy, bring it! We are always happy to see what other members are growing.

Most importantly what we need to start the year off right is you! So if you love carnivorous plants and you can make it to the meeting, please stop by and say hello. And if you have questions feel free to contact us at our yahoo.com e-mail address, user name: umcps

See you Sunday.


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