Spring Plant Sale and May Meeting

Lots going on so let’s get to it! First off, come see us at the University of Minnesota Spring Plant Sale, and buy some plants from us. We’ll have some great plants for beginners, and the sale you will find all sorts of other plants for your yard and garden too. Plus orchids and succulents - you know, if you’re into that.

Our May meeting will not be taking place at the same time as usual. Because the second Sunday is Mother’s Day, we’ll be holing out meeting on Sunday, May 5th. We’ll also be returning to a favorite location, Sunrise River Farm. The meeting will begin at 5pm, and we;ll be discussing what our plans are for the summer, including our plans for being at the Minnesota State Fair again. We hope to see you all there!

Is you have any questions, as always, please contact us at our yahoo.com email address username umcps


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