Meeting Date Change & State Fair Picts

There has been a last minute change to the meeting. It is not tomorrow, Sept. 8th, as originally scheduled. The meeting has been postponed for one week and will now be on Sunday, Sept, 15th at 4pm at Sunrise River Farm. We are very sorry for the last minute notice, but it is going to be worth the wait. One of our members will be bringing new LED grow light tubes and talking about where this technology is headed. We will also be testing the LED bulbs against more typical fluorescent tube bulbs for the plant usable light (photosynthetically active radiation - PAR) as well as quantifying the difference in the spectra produced by the two bulbs. It’s a techie’s dream meeting! So, if you are into plants and electronics this is a must attend meeting.

The other reason we have decided to delay the meeting is to give the hardworking members who worked our booth at the Minnesota State Fair a chance to catch their breath. Our dedicated members setup a great table to display the wonders of plants that consume kill animals for nutrition. We didn’t win anything big, but it was a great display, and they did an incredible job, as some of you who chatted with them there recall. They made some new friends, and had a great time too. We could go on about how great it all was, but perhaps it’s better to let the photos speak for themselves.

CP at MN State Fair native CP of MN State Fair Bladderworts State Fair Dews State Fair Pings State Fair Pitcher State Fair VFTThere was a little of everything. If you want to hear a recap of the events from the Fair come join us next Sunday. If you have any questions of need directions please contact us at our e-mail address, username: umcps. Hope to see you next week!


1 thought on “Meeting Date Change & State Fair Picts

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