May Meeting - visit a master grower

This meeting we will be getting together at the home of one of our members who is a master grower. In her hands all carnivorous plants seem easy to cultivate! If you are in the Twin Cities it’ll be a little drive - well out as far as Norwood Young America. And for those of you reading this who aren’t from Minnesota, yes all three of those words are one town name.

The meeting will be delayed by one week from our normal meeting time. Be out there on Sunday, May 18th at 5pm. It’ll be easy to remember, it’s one week after Mother’s Day. That way if you forget Mother’s Day, the guilt you’ll still be feeling will remind you not to miss the meeting. See? Now that’s good planning!

We are going to learn a great deal about cultivating carnivorous plants around the house, but we are still looking for someone to step up and give a formal presentation. Takers?

Members, don’t forget to bring snacks or beverages to share. If you need the address (so we don’t post it publicly here) please contact us at our email address, username: umcps. Feel free to e-mail about carpooling too. We are hoping to see a few new faces, and perhaps a couple of those we’ve not seen in a while. See you there!


2 thoughts on “May Meeting - visit a master grower

    • Good question! Nope, you don’t need to RSVP per se. We just don’t want to post members’ home addresses online. So all you have to do is shoot us an e-mail at our email account, username umcps, and we’ll give you the address. It’s admittedly a bit more of a hassle than when we meet at a public place, but this way we get to see some really cool plants at members’ houses and how they care for them. We hope it’s worth the extra effort, and really hope to see you there! Thanks for your continued interest!

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