It’s something special…

The State Fair is coming! Yes, it that time again. Time to visit the UMCPS at the Minnesota State Fair. We’ll be in the Horticulture Building from 9am to 9pm this Thursday and Friday, August 21st and 22nd. So, come on out and have a chat with us! We will have members there the entire time the building is open!

What could you see? Well, here is a beautiful flow from a bladderwort that a member brought to the last meeting

IMG_1849And this is a seriously big venus flytrap another member brought to the same meeting

IMG_1854Don’t miss seeing your display and asking all of your burning carnivorous plant questions to our experts!

Of course if you do, our next meeting will be September 28th. So you can plan for that. But who can wait when the plants are so cool! We’ll see you there!


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