September 28th meeting

First off, we had a great time at the MN State Fair! We met so many really great people, and want to thank all of them for taking the time to swing by our table. We had a lot of curious folks that didn’t know anything about carnivorous plants. But we also were lucky enough to have chances to speak with a few people who were really interested in these little critters. It truly was a wonderful two days!

Our September meeting is going to be a little delayed this year. The reason is that we are going to have an opportunity to meet over at the University of Minnesota’s College of Biological Sciences Greenhouses. There are some great plants there - even if all of them aren’t carnivorous.

The meeting will be at 4pm, on Sunday the 28th of September. It can be a little tricky to find the CBS Greenhouses, which are on the St Paul Campus, but this map should help. Unfortunately, the parking a bit of a walk away. But It’s worth it! This is a nice central location, and so we hope to see friends new and old.

Of course if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at our e-mail address, username: umcps. See you soon!


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