March meeting notice, or Notice our March Meeting

Well, it is already time to start thinking about our March meeting. How can March be so close when it’s been so cold out?! Luckily, we’ll be talking about tuberous sundews, which grow in the winter. Perfect!

We are also going to hold our elections for president and treasurer - members: attend or be subject to nomination. ;) We’ll be meeting at 5pm, on Sunday, March 8th.

We’ll be meeting at a member’s house. It’s on the east side of the metro, so plan some extra time if you are coming from the west. And members that have not yet paid their $10 yearly dues should bring a picture of Alexander Hamilton.

If you want to see what we are all about, come to the meeting. Or you could come to the spring sale we’ll be at on March 27th & 28th - mark your calendars! As always, if you have any questions feel free to contact us at our e-mail account, user name umcps