Sale this weekend! - And May meeting reminder

First and foremost, we have our spring sale this weekend! Well, more specifically on Friday the 27th (from 9am to 5pm) and Saturday the 28th (9am to 4pm). The sale will be at Bachman’s on Lyndale in Minneapolis. As always, we will be there through the kindness of our good friends (and partners in horticultural mischief), the Twin Cities Genseriad Society - on who’s website you can also find details about the sale. So please come on out to the sale and show. You don’t have to buy anything, and there will be lots to admire. Plus, you can get all of your burning questions about carnivorous plants answered - for free!

We also have our May meeting quickly approaching. As is always the case, we avoid Mother’s Day (because Mom says to), and we’ll be having it the Sunday before, on May 3rd. You don’t have to be a member to attend, interested non-members are always welcome! So mark your calendar. We’ll be meeting at a member’s house. Check back here for details, or you could signup to get those details sent directly to your inbox. How? We are glad you asked!

See the blank on the upper left side? Yup, the one right under the calendar. If you enter your e-mail address there and submit it, you’ll get an e-mail confirming you want to follow us. Once you agree to follow us (which you can undo at anytime), you’ll have any updates that appear here delivered directly to your inbox. That easy? Yes.

We hope to see you at the show and sale this weekend!



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