Great not Fair (sorry for the pun)

Even though the Minnesota State Fair continues through the week, our run there is done for the year. It was a great time, and we had the opportunity to speak with a huge number of fantastic people. Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to come by our exhibit, and to everyone who expressed interest or asked thoughtful questions! It is all of you folks who visit that make the State Fair so much fun for us.

We also have our next meeting coming up pretty quickly. The meeting will be on Sunday, September 13th at 5pm at a member’s home. We’ll get a run down of the events at the fair and make plans for coming meetings. Who knows, maybe we’ll even see some of the folks we met at the fair - hint, hint. In all seriousness, our meetings are open to the public, even when at someone’s home, so please do come by.

If you have any questions, please contact us at our e-mail address, user name: umcps


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