UMCPS Shirts!

Yes, you read the title correctly. Finally and at long last there are going to be UMCPS shirts available for sale! There will be two (and a half) styles. A polo shirt for $30* and a t-shirt for $20*, with the option for women’s cut available (for sizes S through XL).

The shirts will be black with the UMCPS logo embroidered on the upper left breast. Having trouble picturing that? Here is a poorly edited photo to give you a better idea:

Pretty cool right?! All shirts will be purchased by pre-order only. So, if you’d like to get your own, send an e-mail to our email address, username: umcps

Show your support for growing carnivorous plants with this amazing shirt! The deadline for placing an order is the 31st of October - yes, Halloween. But don’t wait, order yours today!

*Plus any necessary shipping costs. Members in good standing, contact the official e-mail for a reduced member price.


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