Sorry the update from the meeting has been a bit slow, and for the short notice!
Let’s start with the short notice: This Sunday, 12 June at 3pm we will have a social gathering at Indeed Brewing in Minneapolis! Sorry for the late notice. Hopefully you can all be there, if even for a short while. When you walk in you’ll see a table with out sign on it - that’ll be us!
Last month our programmed meeting at the Watershed was a nice small group, and it allowed for some great discussion on a very well researched talk about highland Nepenthes. Below you can see the official meeting summary.
Meeting Summary:
The meeting was called to order by the president. No introductions were necessary as all the faces were familiar. Club business was discussed, including the State Fair Show, our continuing efforts to live broadcast our meeting to folks across the region, and the prospect of a July field trip to see out native carnivorous plants in habitat. The president noted that we will be seeking volunteers from our membership to operate our table at the Minnesota State Fair, and that the society will pay entry to the fair for those members working our table. Treasury report was was not available at the time, but is posted below. Floor was opened up for questions. Then, the business meeting was concluded by the president. We then had our presentation on highland Nepenthes, during which there was a good deal of discussion about a range of topics from conservation, to taxonomy, cultivation. Finally we open up for plant sales, commission sales, and socializing.
Treasury Report:
Treasury report for May 2016
Purchased a couple plants at the April sale, all are still alive (flowers on the VFT). Have added a couple more plants, and have improved their habitat. Interested in attending a future meeting as these things are getting addicting. Will keep watching this site for a meeting notice.