Stomp’n in the Swamp

We will go looking for carnivorous plants in the Blaine Preserve Scientific and Natural Area.
Date - July 10, 2016
Time - the usual, 3:00 pm

How to get there?
Parking is on the gravel road just north of Lexington Memorial Park, behind the baseball diamonds. We will meet up at the Mills Fleet Farm, 35W & Lexington @2:30 and our guide will lead a caravan to the parking area.
There are NO trails, so plan to walk softly, despite the subject line.
Plan to get wet, probably no more than mid-calf, but no promises.
Long pants and real shoes are recommended, as the area has insects and lots of plants that will attack given half a chance.

Please RSVP to our e-mail address, username umcps.

Hope you can all make it!


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