Meeting this Sunday!

Just a quick reminder that we have a meeting coming up. Here’s the details:

Sunday, 11 September, 3pm – Automation for cultivation systems: learn the ins and outs of how to automate everything from day/night cycles, to watering your carnivorous plants (technical growing presentation – come ready to talk about the nitty-gritty of growing plants)

Discussion about ins and outs of how to automate everything from day/night cycles, to watering your carnivorous plants. Please come ready to discuss your success, and failures, of automation. There will be a presentation, but this will be a round table discussion format.
Everyone should leave with new ideas!

We’ll be meeting at the Watershed, which is here.

Hope to see you all there!


1 thought on “Meeting this Sunday!

  1. Hi,

    I’m bringing my daughter Iris. That is her 12th birthday weekend and one of her gifts is putting together a carnivorous plant terrarium in a 20 gal tank. We have the book, Savage Garden, for guidance but want to learn from you all. Please, if you have any plants to offer Iris, please bring them, I would be very grateful. We will become members when we arrive too.


    Emily Mirski

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