A Call to Arms, and Beer

First up, we will have a social meeting on Aug 13, at Able Seedhouse + Brewery, 1121 Quincy St NE, Minneapolis, MN. The usual time of 3 pm.

Well, it is that time of year again. We need to plan our presence at the great Minnesota Get Together (or Sweat Together, which ever.) We will be there Aug 24 & 25th.

First thing, this year we will be in the AVSM wing, not the MSHS wing. There are a bunch of member that belong to AVSM (African Violet Society of MN) or affiliated societies, and they offered us a great deal. Free fair tickets! Plus more space than we have had in the past.

So, to fill the space we need plants. Even if you do not want to volunteer, please consider sending your plants. Alex at the CBS Greenhouse can hold plants for a few days. I am willing to hold plants on the north side. Feel free to contact us and make arrangements. If you are willing to bring plants for show, let us know what you might have so we can plan the space accordingly. Anyone that has some larger nepenthes would be appreciated.

We also need volunteers to explain the wonders of carnivorous plants to the unwashed masses (depending on the day, very unwashed masses.)
We will be doing the Venus fly trap feeding again this year. We will need speakers and cricket wrangles for each show. No fear, if you do not want to be involved in that circus, we can still use general table help.

Get in contact and let us know if you are willing to help and score free tickets to the fair!
email - umcps (at) yahoo.com or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/


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