First, the next social will be at a member’s house.
Don Schiller, in Brooklyn Park, will be hosting us on Sunday Aug 12th at 3 pm.
This social meeting will be a chance to sit and chat. We can see Don’s small growing area and how he makes it a hot, bright, humid area for the CPs and some of the orchids. We will probably also have a discussion of show plans for the State Fair and may talk of the ICPS convention in Santa Rosa.
Don will have some beer, wine and some food, however, if you like you own type of beer, pop, etc. feel free to bring it.
Don requests a RSVP, so we have a clue about how many people will be coming.
The address will be provided privately.
We are also planning for the state fair. We will have free tickets for anyone volunteering.
Send a message via one of the below methods, if you are interested.
Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at) … (Please note - NEW email address. This one will get answered!)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)