Sept 9th - Intermediate Nepenthes

Now that the fair is done, it is time for our next regular meeting. This time it will be a talk on intermediate nepenthes, those from about 1000m to 1500m above sea level. Many consider this the sweet spot for easily grown in the house types.

We will also have a recap of the State Fair in the business meeting.

Borneo Exotics is now accepting retail orders, for flasks. We will be looking to see if there is interest in a group order, since shipping is rather pricey.

The meeting will be at the Ramsey-Washington Watershed Office (2665 Noel Dr, Little Canada, MN 55117) in Little Canada.
Sept 9th at the usual time of 3 pm.

Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at) … (Please note – NEW email address. This one will get answered!)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

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