UMCPS April Social Canceled

Well, it is time for the April social meeting, and of course, we are socially locked down. In place of our meeting this month, time will need to be spent with family and plants, but it need not to be in that order.

By now, if all went well, the flytraps and sarrs are out of dormancy and likely either stalks are up or they are in flower. I have done most of my spring repotting, I have a few sarrs left to separate the seedlings from last year into larger pots for the year. The flytraps are in the process of setting flower stalks and I am in the process of removing the stalks, trimming to size and placing into sphagnum moss in hopes of having some babies grow from the stalks.

Hopefully in a few weeks, some of the CPs and orchids will go to the greenhouse. The way my plant accumulation is going, I may need to add a room onto my house in a couple years. Oh the joys of a growing hobby.

See you next month…hopefully.
Don Schiller

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