This is the official web home of the Upper Midwest Carnivorous Plant Society (UMCPS), based in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA. Here you will find updates about meetings, activities, and where we'll be in the community. We will also occasionally post pictures of members' plants and collections - mostly to brag. ;-)

UMCPS Meeting 3/10 @ 3:00 - Seed Starting

Come, talk to us, and please, please take plants home.
We will have soil, pots (if we can find them…) and … seeds. Ping pullings. Pings in a compot that need dividing! Seed that may need to be set on fire! (No, really. Biblys, like Jack Pine only germinates with smoke.)

This meeting will feature getting messy!
We will also do a short talk on how to plant seeds and special requirements needed (if any.) Please come and ask questions if you have plants you want to propagate.

The meeting will be at the Ramsey-Washington Watershed Office (2665 Noel Dr, Little Canada, MN 55117) in Little Canada.

March 10th at the usual time of 3 pm.

Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at) yahoo.com
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/

UMCPS Feb Social Meeting 2/10*

Out on the west side this time

8 8th Ave. N. Hopkins, MN 55343

* Assuming the weather does not cancel us.

UMCPS Planning meeting and member visit

We will be meeting Sunday, Jan 13th at 3pm, at a member’s house in Plymouth. Please RSVP. We need a head count, and there will be a plant for those that attend.

We will enjoy visiting Matt’s plants! Checking out how another of our members grows their plants. We were there a couple of years ago, so we will see the improvements and changes.

We will also be planning the meetings for next year and the election for our Treasurer. Micheala is willing to stand for re-election, but will be unable to attend.

Given the start of the year, everyone needs to renew their membership. ($10 for the year.) Any member in good standing can nominate themselves for the position. Votes will be taken by email, if you are so inclined.

Proposals for talks will be gladly accepted! Either by email or in person.
If you have an area of specialty, feel free to come talk about it.

Hope you can all make it!

Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at) rosinante.com
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

Nov 11th – Dormancy, or bringing them back from the dead

This meeting will be a round table discussion of dormancy.
How to get them to (finally) go dormant, and how to make sure that they will come out of dormancy eventually, maybe even at the right time.
Bring your success stories and, of course, your horror stories. Let us see what works for others and what is really a bad idea.

The meeting will be at the Ramsey-Washington Watershed Office (2665 Noel Dr, Little Canada, MN 55117) in Little Canada.
Sept 9th at the usual time of 3 pm.

Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at) rosinante.com
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

Sept 9th - Intermediate Nepenthes

Now that the fair is done, it is time for our next regular meeting. This time it will be a talk on intermediate nepenthes, those from about 1000m to 1500m above sea level. Many consider this the sweet spot for easily grown in the house types.

We will also have a recap of the State Fair in the business meeting.

Borneo Exotics is now accepting retail orders, for flasks. We will be looking to see if there is interest in a group order, since shipping is rather pricey.

The meeting will be at the Ramsey-Washington Watershed Office (2665 Noel Dr, Little Canada, MN 55117) in Little Canada.
Sept 9th at the usual time of 3 pm.

Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at) rosinante.com … (Please note – NEW email address. This one will get answered!)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

MN State Fair Time!

Come one, come all. Say ‘hi’ to us at the Fair today and tomorrow, Aug 22nd & 23rd.
As always we will be in the horticulture building, sharing the wing with the African Violet Society.

Yes, we will be leading crickets to their doom. 12, 2, 4, 6 and maybe 8pm depending on how we feel and how the hoard of crickets holds out.

UMCPS Social & State Fair

First, the next social will be at a member’s house.
Don Schiller, in Brooklyn Park, will be hosting us on Sunday Aug 12th at 3 pm.

This social meeting will be a chance to sit and chat. We can see Don’s small growing area and how he makes it a hot, bright, humid area for the CPs and some of the orchids. We will probably also have a discussion of show plans for the State Fair and may talk of the ICPS convention in Santa Rosa.

Don will have some beer, wine and some food, however, if you like you own type of beer, pop, etc. feel free to bring it.

Don requests a RSVP, so we have a clue about how many people will be coming.
The address will be provided privately.

We are also planning for the state fair. We will have free tickets for anyone volunteering.
Send a message via one of the below methods, if you are interested.

Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at) rosinante.com … (Please note - NEW email address. This one will get answered!)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

Field Trip July 8th!

Come join us on Sunday July 8th for a bog walk through a sphagnum bog in the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (https://www.cedarcreek.umn.edu/), owned by the University of Minnesota. We’ll get to see pitcher plants as well as native sundews. It’s a short, but buggy (what do you expect it’s a wetland in Minnesota), walk through the woods and around a boardwalk. We’ll meet at 2pm in the parking lot for the Cost Plus in the Rosedale Marketplace in Roseville, MN:
From there we’ll carpool about 30 minutes north to the site using as few cars as possible, as there are not many places to park easily along the road by the site. Bring bug spray, sunblock, a hat, and whatever footwear you feel comfortable getting wet (yes it is on a boardwalk, but there are still low spots).
This trip will be held in the rain, but not if there are tornado or severe thunderstorm watches. Check back to this site for any updates.
Hope to see you at the bog!
Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at) yahoo.com
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/