Grow Guide

We are constantly giving away plants to people in the area who are interested in carnivorous plants and are novice growers. Indeed, we do our best to propagate easier to grow species for just that purpose. If you’d like to get a free plant from us to try growing one, come to a meeting, or meet up with us at an event we are attending. You could also contact us at our e-mail address, at our account, user name umcps (it’s not checked daily, so you might have to be patient). Please feel free to contact us with questions too, but first take a look at our “Basic CP care“*. This is similar to the cultivation cards we hand out with the plants we give away at events. It covers the basic information you need to start growing the species we give out. You’ll eventually need more information, which you can get here, but this guide should give you a good start no matter what beginner carnivorous plant you have. Good luck.

* Note: The Upper Midwest Carnivorous Plant Society reserves all rights to the content of the “Grow Guide”.


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