UMCPS 1/12 Planning meeting and member visit

Sorry for the late notice. We will be meeting Sunday, Jan 12th at 3pm, at a member’s house in St. Cloud. Please RSVP as we need a head count. We will be car pooling from Maple Grove for the Twin Cities crowd.

Our youngest member, and his father, have a greenhouse! So we will get to see how the other half lives.

We will also be planning the meetings for next year and the election for our President. Bill, that is me, is willing to stand for re-election. If anyone wants the role, I am willing to step aside.

Given the start of the year, everyone needs to renew their membership. ($10 for the year.) Any member in good standing can nominate themselves for the position. Votes will be taken by email, if you are so inclined.

Proposals for talks will be gladly accepted! Either by email or in person.
If you have an area of specialty, feel free to come talk about it.

Hope you can all make it!

Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)


December Social - Dec 8, 2019

Alan Lowrie has put out his tuberous drosera list for the year. Any members interested in participating? S&H has gone up to $75. The U is putting in an order and we may be able to split shipping costs with them.
Anyone that is not a member will need to join to take part in the order.
Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

UMCPS Nov 10 - Growing Media

The next meeting will be on Nov 10th, at 3:00 pm, The meeting will be at the Ramsey-Washington Watershed Office (2665 Noel Dr, Little Canada, MN 55117) in Little Canada.
Do you wonder just what to pot that new plant in? How to create a bog garden without breaking your back to move it?
Come join us and learn what to do with that bare root plant or new leaf pulling!
Don and myself (Bill) will be hosting a round table on growing media. There will be samples of the various stuff we use, and discussion of where to use it.
Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

UMCPS Nov 10th – Soils

Just a brief message to let everyone know that the next meeting will be on Nov 11th, at 3:00 pm, The meeting will be at the Ramsey-Washington Watershed Office (2665 Noel Dr, Little Canada, MN 55117) in Little Canada.
We are in the process of pulling the meeting together, but it will be about soil. Or whatever we call the stuff we grow the plants in.
Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

UMCPS Sept 8th - Drosera

Now that the State Fair is over and life is returning to normalcy, it is time for our next meeting.
This month our youngest member, Bill, will talking about Sundews (Drosera mainly. Although there maybe a few other related genra in there.)
Rumor has it that there will be some plants given away.

We are in the beginning stages of putting together an order to Best Carnivorous Plants (out of the Czech Republic.) He is among the best supplier of sundew (drosera) and butterwort (pinguicula) seeds, as well as plants. BCP will reopen for shipping soon, and end in Oct.
* You must be a paid up member to participate in this.

Please join us Sept 8th at 3pm for this lecture.
The meeting will be at the Ramsey-Washington Watershed Office (2665 Noel Dr, Little Canada, MN 55117) in Little Canada.
Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

August Social - Aug 11, 2019

Well, it is that time of year again where everyone’s thoughts* turn to the State Fair! I expect that the primary focus of this social meeting will be the great Minnesota get together.
(* Either with joy at being there, or dread for things to come…)

If anyone is not on the email list and wants to volunteer, the deadline to contact us is August 8th. We are always looking for new blood to sacri… er, help with crowd control. We do offer free admission for work at the tables.

Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

UMCPS July meeting is rescheduled for 7/21

We did manage to reschedule.
Or topic of the month will be your poor, your downtrodden, your huddled masses. Well, serious side, plants you are struggling with. Questions you may have, which our experts* will try to diagnose.
If you have a plant with an infestation of bugs, bring a picture. No one wants that coming back to their collection.
Feel free to bring plants that you want to show off as well. The rest of the members would love to hear how the experts* grow some of the fine plants that end up at the Fair.
* … well, just the other members.

Business meeting will include, probably dominated by, the State Fair. Which will happen before our next meeting. Where has the time gone…
As always, we are looking for plants and volunteers to man (or woman, as the case may be) the booth. You will get free Fair admission and the chance to sacrifice a cricket to the Plants Of Doom!

A while back we talked about an order with Best Carnivorous Plants. Anyone interested?

Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)

UMCPS June Social Meeting 6/9

It took a while for all of our grand plans to fall to dust. As such, the June UMCPS social will be at Able Seedhouse + Brewery, Sunday 9th of June at 3:00. As always, general talk about carnivorous plants is encouraged.
1121 Quincy St NE, Minneapolis, MN
Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/ (Feel free to send a message.)