
The Upper Midwest Carnivorous Plant Society (or UMCPS to our friends) is a group of hobbyists who grow carnivorous plants and are dedicated to their conservation in the wild. We meet 6 times a year to discuss and often swap carnivorous plants. We meet at locations throughout the Twin Cities metropolitan area in Minnesota. We always welcome new members from the Upper Midwest, and all of our regular meetings are open to the public. Because the meeting location changes, if you are interested in attending please e-mail us at our yahoo.com e-mail account: umcps.

If you are not sure where the Upper Midwest is (as we define it for membership and activity), we have a helpful map, included below, to show you the area. The central star is on the Twin Cities. Because the Upper Midwest is a region where population density is often low, we are currently working to establish a means for members to be able to attend online who can not attend meetings in person. As an organization we aim to facilitate connections between carnivorous plant enthusiasts from across the region.

The UMCPS is currently an unincorporated association, but we maintain the goal of eventually becoming a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation once we have the membership to support such an endeavor. Until then, we will continue to get together and try to build interest and passion for this group of plants we love so much.

Area of activity for the UMCPS

3 thoughts on “About

  1. How do I join?Did not know we had such a society. I do not and will not use either Twitter or Facebook.

    • Hello Stephanie - The best way to join is simply attend a meeting. The next one is coming up this Sunday, May 5th out at Sunrise River Farms. We hope to see you there!

  2. Hi, I am new to this. My daughter Iris is interested in growing and learning about Carnivorous Plants. I am too! Yesterday, I got her a membership to ICPS. Today, I found your site. I would very much like her to be a member. She will be 12 on Sept. 9 and for her birthday, I want to obtain materials and plants to start her carnivorous indoor garden. When is your next meeting and where. I sent an email to umcps@yahoo.com but am not confident this is the correct email. So as a back up, I am asking here as well. I would very much like her to participate in meetings and a field trip. I am so happy to find your site! Fantastic! If we get to the Fair we will check you out for sure.

    Thank you,
    Emily Mirski, on behalf of Iris Mirski

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