Field Trip July 8th!

Come join us on Sunday July 8th for a bog walk through a sphagnum bog in the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve (, owned by the University of Minnesota. We’ll get to see pitcher plants as well as native sundews. It’s a short, but buggy (what do you expect it’s a wetland in Minnesota), walk through the woods and around a boardwalk. We’ll meet at 2pm in the parking lot for the Cost Plus in the Rosedale Marketplace in Roseville, MN:
From there we’ll carpool about 30 minutes north to the site using as few cars as possible, as there are not many places to park easily along the road by the site. Bring bug spray, sunblock, a hat, and whatever footwear you feel comfortable getting wet (yes it is on a boardwalk, but there are still low spots).
This trip will be held in the rain, but not if there are tornado or severe thunderstorm watches. Check back to this site for any updates.
Hope to see you at the bog!
Contact us at the usual places: blog at umcps (dot) net
email via umcps (at)
or Facebook @ /UpperMidwestCarnivorousPlantSociety/

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